
New for SSC CGL students

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to

Analogy Question: Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to
A. aware
B. miserable
C. tolerant
D. ignorant
Answer: Ignorant is correct answer since it is a opposite type analogy.


Saturday, 30 May 2015

when a ripe fruit is kept with unripen fruits ,the latter ripen due to release of?

Question 69: when a ripe fruit is kept with unripe fruits ,the latter ripen due to release of?
A. ethylene by the ripen fruits.
B. ethylene by the unripe fruits.
C. cytokinin by the ripe fruits.
Answer: .ethylene by the ripen fruits.
Explanation: The already ripen fruits release Ethylene and this Ethylene signals the formation of new enzymes in unripe fruits.
For example : The green bananas are put in a room and gassed with ethylene. They all begin to ripen.  

Question 70: which article says that Hindi as an official language in indian constitution?
A. article 340
B. article 343
C. article 345
Answer : article 343

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सामान्य ज्ञान (प्रश्न 65 - 68 )

प्रश्न 65. टिकाऊ आर्थिक विकास निर्भर करता है -
sustainable economic growth depends upon
A . savings and investment (बचत और निवेश )
B. savings not investment (सिर्फ बचत )
C. neither saving nor investment.(न बचत न निवेश )
उत्तर : savings and investment (बचत और निवेश )

Question 66: कौन सा स्ट्रेट ब्लैक सी को मरमरा सी से जोड़ता है ?
which strait connects the black sea to the marmara sea?
A. makkassar strait
B. bosporous strait
C. davis strait.
उत्तर : Bosporus Strait.

प्रश्न 67. भारत का दक्षिणतम बिंदु कौन सा है ?
1. इंदिरा कोल
2. इंदिरा पाॅइंट
3. कन्याकुमारी
4. रामेश्वरम्
उत्तर : इंदिरा पाॅइंट Indira Point 

Question 68 Ghana Bird Sanctuary is located in?
A . MP
B . HP.
C . Rajasthan.
D . Gujrat.
Answer: Rajasthan


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Friday, 29 May 2015

DU Online Registration for Admission to Undergraduate Courses Application link 2015

Using this link student can apply for admission in Delhi University Undergraduate courses for session 2015-16.
This is the Online Process of Registration. You can also register offline.

To register online Click here >> Official website DU Registration 2015 Online

Click on this link and after reaching the official DU site first register and then Appy for the course you want to take admission in.

Last Date of Online Application 2015: 15 June 2015



gaana.com website hacked 10 million user credentials exposed

gaana.com hacked
Music streaming website gaana.com was hacked by a Pakistan based Techie  so called MakMan yesterday. Gaana.com is one of the website of Times Internet. After this the CEO of gaana.com wrote a series of tweets on twitter confirming the hacking.

He himself admitted that user credentials of users were compromised and they have thats why reset all user credentials.

Its may be OK with respect to gaana.com but its not all ok for the user who access the site with same password and email id as of Facebook.com or gmail account.

If you had a similar account details at any of other site, then your security is on stake. Please change your passwords immediately.

Although MakMan has admitted that he has not stored any data locally but if he has stored and you are using account with the same credentials on other side then its really a great problem.

Take a precaution for future: Never access two sites with same credentials.


Thursday, 28 May 2015

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

फ़ोर्ब्स (Forbes) की सबसे शक्तिशाली महिला सूची (Most Powerful Women ) 2015 में 4 भारतीय

फ़ोर्ब्स (Forbes ) संस्थान जिसका मुख्यालय न्यूयॉर्क में है। ये हर साल विभिन्न क्षेत्रों में रैंकिंग सूची देते हैं। आज इस साल की विश्व की सबसे शक्तिशाली महिलाओं (100 ) की सूची फ़ोर्ब्स ने प्रकाशित कर दी जिसमे भारत की चार महिलाओं ने भी स्थान पाया। जानिये कौन है ये जिन्होंने देश के सिर को ऊँचा रखा

सबसे पहले इसमें नाम आता है 1.  अरुंधति भट्टाचार्य (#30)
Arundhati Bhattacharya
Arundhati Bhattacharya
ये स्टेट बैंक ऑफ़ इंडिया की मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर है। इन्होंने इस वर्ष 30 वां स्थान पाया है। 2014 में ये 36 वें स्थान पर थीं। Progress
2 . चंदा कोचर (#35 )
Chanda Kochhar
Chanda Kochhar, ICICI MD
ये आईसीआईसीआई बैंक की मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर है। इन्होने इस साल 35 वां स्थान पाया है जबकि पिछली साल ये 43 वें स्थान पर थीं। Progress 

3. किरण मजूमदार शा (#85 )
Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw
Kiran Mazumdar Shaw 
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4. शोभना भरतिया (#93 )
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Other Important links

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Top five producers in the world video

सबसे ज्यादा उत्पादन करने वाले देश 
कच्चा तेल  -              रूस 
लोहा          -              चीन 
कोयला       -              चीन 
कॉटन        -               चीन 
दुग्ध          -               भारत 
यूरेनियम     -          कजाखस्तान 
एल्युमीनियम  -              चीन 
सोना              -          चीन 
चीनी             -              ब्राज़ील 
केला             -             भारत 
 अधिक जानने के लिए वीडियो देखें 
For More Info Watch Video In English Language




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