
New for SSC CGL students

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Krishi Karman Award 2012 -13 for all time recognition in food grain production was given to

Post 190

Question 79 Deficiency of iron causes
A) Rickets
B) Scurvy
C) Goitre
D) Polio
Answer : Not Sure
If you know the correct answer send us at Gksea.com@gmail.com with reasoning.

Question 80 Krishi Karman Award 2012 - 13 for all time recognition in food grain production was given to:
A) Tamil Nadu
B) Odisha
C) Madhya Pradesh
D) Haryana
Answer : Madhya Pradesh


Preparation of butter, ghee by a household for their own use ia a part of

Post 189

Question 77 Preparation of butter, ghee by a household for their own use ia a part of
A) industrial production
B) consumption
C) own account production
D) household capital formation
Answer: own account production

Question 78 Shadow cabinet is the feature of Administration system of:
A) France
B) Japan
C) Britain
Answer: Britain


Sir CV Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work on

Post 188

Question 75 Sir CV Raman was awarded Nobel Prize for his work on:
A) Cryogenics
B) Sonometer
C) Light Scattering
D) Radio activity
Answer : Light Scattering

Question 76 Which of the following does not have a Stupa?
A) Barhut
B) Dhamek
C) Ranchi
D) Sanchi
Answer: Ranchi


The production, marketing, storage, advertisement and consumption of smokeless tobacco is banned in

Post 187
Question 73 The production, marketing, storage, advertisement and consumption of smokeless tobacco is banned in :
A) Nagaland
B) Meghalaya
C) Assam
D) Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: Assam

Question 74 Democratic Centralism is an important feature of a
A) Totalitarian state
B) Socialist state
C) Communist state
D) Democratic state
Answer: Socialist state


Who was the Delhi Sultan to impose Jizya even on the Brahmins?

Post 186
Question 71 Who was the Delhi Sultan to impose Jizya even on the Brahmins?
A) Muhammad Tughlaq
B) Balban
C) Ala-ud-din Khilji
D) Firuz Tughlaq
Answer: Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Question 72 Tesla is a unit of magnetic
A) moment
B) field
C) flux
D) induction
Answer: field


Who benefits the most during inflationary period

Post 185

Question 69 Who benefits the most during inflationary period?
A) entrepreneurs
B) government servents
C) corporate servants
D) creditors
Answer: entrepreneurs

Question 70 Flywheel is an important part of a steam engine because it
A) decreases the moment of inertia
B) gives strength to the engine
C) accelerates the speed of the engine
D) helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform
Answer: helps the engine in keeping the speed uniform


Which one of the following is used as secondary storage system in computer?

Post 184

Question 67 Which one of the following is used as secondary storage system in computer?
D) Floppy
Answer: Floppy

Question 68 Virtually treeless sparse vegetation is found in
A) Tundra
B) Chapparal
C) Taiga
D) Alpine
Answer: Tundra


Potato was introduced to Europe by

Post 183

Question 65 Potato was introduced to Europe by

A) Spanish
B) Dutch
C) Portuguese
D) Germans

Answer: Spanish

Question 66 Transition ions absorb light in:

A) microwave region
B) visible region
C) infrared region
D) ultraviolet region

Answer: visible region


Who said that "Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty"?

Post 182

Question 63 Who said that "Where there is no Law there will not be Liberty"?
A) Machiavelli
B) John Locke
C) Karl Marx
D) Plato
Answer: John Locke

Question 64 Obsidian, Andesite, Gabbro and Perodite are:
A) Sedimentary rocks
B) Extrusive rocks
C) Metamorphic rocks
D) Intrusive rocks
Answer: Extrusive rocks


The freezing point of fresh water is

Post 181

Question 61 The freezing point of fresh water is ________.
A) 5 Degree Celcius
B) 0 Degree Celcius
C) 4 Degree Celcius
D) 3 Degree Celcius
Answer: 0 Degree Celcius

Question 62 The Minimum Support Price for food grains was introduced in the year:
A) 1974
B) 1954
C) 1944
D) 1964
Answer: either 1964 or 1974
Explanation: The committee for MSP was formed in 1964 only by food corporation of India. but we have no information whether they announced MSP of few things that year only or in 1974. If you know the correct answer of above question mail us at GKsea.com@gmail.com.


Total assembly segments in Delhi are

Post 180
Question 59 Total assembly segments in Delhi are:
दिल्ली में कुल कितने विधान सभा खंड हैं ?
A) 70
B) 40
C) 50
D) 60
Answer: 70
Explanation: There are 70 total legislative assembly seats in Delhi.

Question 60 An increase in the quantity supplied suggests
अगर सप्लाई की मात्रा में वृद्धि कर दी जाती है -
A) a movement down along the supply curve
B) a rightward shift of the supply curve
C) a leftward shift of the supply curve
D) a movement up along the supply curve
Answer: a movement up along the supply curve


The compound that has the least value for octane number is

Post 179

Question 57 The compound that has the least value for octane number is:
A) 2,2-dimethylhexane
B) n-heptane
C) 2- methylheptane
D) Iso-octane
Answer: n-heptane
Explanation: n-heptane has 0 octane number or you can say 0 octane rating.

Question 58 The current spell of cold wave in the US has been a fall out of the 
A) climate and energy
B) political administration
C) polar vortex
D) biodiversity and habitats
Answer: polar vortex


Dactylogram is related with

Post 178

Question 55 Dactylogram is related with
A) Cereals
B) finger print
C) teleprinter
D) perumbulator
Answer: finger print

Question 56 Coupling and repulsion are the two states of:
A) mutation
B) crossing over
C) linkage
D) chiasma
Answer: linkage
Explanation: coupling and repulsion are the two aspects of the same phenomenon called linkage.


The damage of the human body due to radiation (X - rays or gamma rays etc) is measured in

Post 177

Question 53 The damage of the human body due to radiation (X - rays or gamma rays etc) is measured in:
A) Curie
B) Rads
C) Rems
D) Roentgen
Answer: Rems
Explanation: Curie (Ci) is the radioactivity value of any substance while In Rems we measure the amount of damage or the deposit of that substance on a living tissue example humans. That is the effect of such substance on humans is measured in Rems only.

Question 54 Which of the following is not correct.
A) NGT- National Growth Tribunal
B) MSP- Minimum supportive Price
C) NMA- National Monuments Authority
D) PIL- Public Interest Litigation
Answer: A is incorrect because full form of NGT is National Green Tribunal.


The Constitution of India, describes India as:

Post 176

Question 51 The Constitution of India, describes India as:
A) Unitary
B) Union of states
C) A Federation
D) A quasi-federal
Answer: Union of states

Question 52 The threshold frequency is the frequency below which
A) photoelectric emission is not possible
B) photo current is constant
C) photo current increase with voltage
D) photo current decrease with voltage
Answer: photoelectric emission is not possible


Sunday, 28 June 2015

मध्‍य प्रदेश से सटे हुए राज्‍य Neighbor states of Madhya Pradesh GK Trick

Post 174 Neighbor states of Madhya Pradesh

मध्‍य प्रदेश से सटे हुए राज्‍य GK Trick

दोस्तो आज जानते हैं कि मध्य प्रदेश से कितने राज्य सटे हुए हैं या ये कहिए की मध्य प्रदेश के कितने पडोसी राज्य है? इसके लिए में एक सिंपल ट्रिक बता देता हूँ जिससे आपको तुरंत ये राज्यों के नाम याद हो जायेगा। 

ट्रिक (Trick) -"  गुम छउरा "

गु - गुजरात
म - महाराष्‍ट्र
छ - छतीसगढ.
उ - उत्‍तर प्रदेश
रा - राजस्‍‍थान

अगर आपको कोई ट्रिक पता है तो हमें gksea.com@gmail.com पर मेल करो अपने नाम और पते के साथ हम उसे प्रकाशित करेंगे आपके नाम के साथ।


Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge in Hindi (उत्तर प्रदेश सामान्य ज्ञान )

Post 173 Facts about Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge in Hindi (उत्तर प्रदेश सामान्य ज्ञान )
उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य भारत का एक उत्तरी राज्य है। इसे यूपी के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। इस राज्य का गठन 01 अप्रैल 1937 को यूनाइटेड प्रोविंस (United Province )के नाम से हुआ बाद में 1950 में नाम को बदलकर उत्तर प्रदेश रख दिया। यह भारत का सबसे ज्यादा जनसँख्या वाला राज्य है। उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी का नाम लखनऊ है। उत्तर प्रदेश की राजकीय भाषा (official language) हिंदी है।

Important Links 
उत्तर प्रदेश की राजधानी (Capital of Uttar Pradesh )
तत्कालीन मुख्यमंत्री (Current CM of  UP )
तत्कालीन राज्यपाल (Current Governor of Uttar Pradesh)
Uttar Pradesh (state dance, state sport)
Uttar Pradesh state animal, state bird
Uttar Pradesh (UP) (state tree, state flower) state symbols

Uttar Pradesh (state dance, state sport)

Post 172 Uttar Pradesh State Symbols
Question 1 Name the state dance of Uttar Pradesh?
उत्तर प्रदेश के राजकीय नृत्य (राज्य नृत्य ) का नाम बताओ।
A) Kathak
B) Odishi
C) BharatNatyam
D) Kathakali
Answer: Kathak (कत्थक )

Question 2 Choose from the following the state sport of UP?
निम्न में से यूपी का राज्य खेल कौन सा है ?
A) Field Hockey
B) Cricket
C) Football
D) Badminton
Answer: Field Hockey (फील्ड हॉकी )


Uttar Pradesh state animal, state bird

Post 171
Question 1 Name the state animal of state Uttar Pradesh.
भारत के राज्य उत्तर प्रदेश के राज्य पशु का नाम  बताओ।
A) Swamp deer
B) Lion
C) Goat
D) Dog
Answer: Swamp deer

Question 2: Choose of the following the State bird of Uttar Pradesh.
निम्न में से उत्तर प्रदेश का राज्य पक्षी चुनिए।
A) Eagle
B) Grasshopper
C) Sarus Crane
D) Sparrow
Answer: Sarus Crane


Friday, 26 June 2015

full form of FIBA

Post 170
Image: basketball

Question 1 What is the full form of FIBA?
FIBA का पूर्णरूप क्या होता है?
Answer: FIBA stands for a latin phrase Federation Internationale de Basketball AKA The International Basketball Federation. This is the highest governing body in basketball. It is commonly known as FIBA, FIBA World, or FIBA International.

Question 2 Which of the following is the highest governing body in the area of basketball sport?
निम्न में से कौनसी संस्था बास्केटबॉल की उच्चतम शाषकीय इकाई है ?
Answer : FIBA
explanation as in previous question.


National Basketball Association (NBA) headquarters

Post 169

Question1 Where is National Basketball Association (NBA) headquarters?
नेशनल बास्केटबॉल असोसिएशन का मुख्यालय कहाँ है ?
A) Mexico
B) New York
C) London
D) Washington
Answer: New York
Address: Olympic Tower Associates, 645 5th Ave, New York, NY 10022, United States

Question 2 In which year, National Basketball Association (NBA) was founded?
नेशनल बास्केटबॉल असोसिएशन की स्थापना किस वर्ष में हुई ?
A) 1937
B) 1949
C) 1946
D) 1947
Answer : 1946
Foundation date : 6 June 1946


full form of NBL

Post 168

Question 1: What is the full form of NBL in basketball domain?
A> Night Basketball Lamp
B> National Basketball League
C> National Batton League
D> National Best League
Answer: National Basketball League
Explanation: NBL has been a major league founded in United States which later merged with BAA to form NBA.

Question 2: When was National Basketball League was founded?
A> 1949
B> 1941
Answer: 1937
Explanation NBL was founded in United States in year 1937.


What is the full form of NBA in NBA League?

Post 167

Question 1 What is the fullform of NBA in NBA League?
NBA का पूर्णरूप क्या है ?
A> National Badminton Association
B> National Basketball Association
C> National Bat Architecture
D> Night Batting Armour
Answer: National Basketball Association
Explanation NBA is headquartered in New York.

Question 2: What does BAA stands for in area of Basketball?
बास्केटबॉल के क्षेत्र में BAA किसके लिए प्रयोग होता है ?
A> Basketball Area of America
B> Basketball Association of America
C> Basketball Academy of America
D> Basketball Association and Academy
Answer: Basketball Association of America
Explanation: Basketball Association of America was founded in 1946. BAA and NBL combined to form NBA.


First Indian to be drafted in NBA League

Post 166 First Indian to be drafted in NBA League पहला भारतीय जो एन बी ए में बास्केटबॉल  खेलेगा
Image: Satnam Singh Indian selected in 2015 NBA Draft

Satnam Singh, 7'2" who was born in Punjab created the history on 26 June 2015 by becoming first Indian to be drafted into the NBA League. He will play for the Dallas Mavericks. Satnam is first person who was born in India and then got selected in NBA draft. From the age of 12 he was practising in government academy in India and after two years he moved to Florida. There he spent five years in IMG academy.

Although Canada born Gursimran Bhullar aka Sim Bhullar is the first player of Indian origin to play in the US-based league. In this case Bhullar's parents migrated to Canada. So Sim was born in Canada only but the origin was India.

More Important Links

Firsts facts about India
First Indian to go on Moon
First Indian Woman in space
First Indian to get Bharat Ratna
Who was the first Indian to win the World Amateur Billiards title? 


Thursday, 25 June 2015

Maharashtra GK in Hindi and English

Post 165

 Maharashtra General Knowledge (GK) in Hindi and English महाराष्ट्र सामान्य ज्ञान

महाराष्ट्र हमारे देश भारत के पश्चिमी भाग का एक राज्य है। आइए हमारे साथ जानते हैं महाराष्ट्र राज्य के बारे में कुछ ऐसे तथ्य जो अक्सर exams में पूछ लिये जाते हैं।

  • महाराष्ट्र की राजधानी (capital) मुंबई (Mumbai) है जो कि राज्य का सबसे बड़ा शहर भी है 
  • जनसँख्या के अनुसार महाराष्ट्र भारत के राज्यों में दुसरे स्थान पर आता है। 
  • महाराष्ट्र में इस समय कुल 36 जिले (districts ) हैं। 
  • यहाँ की राजकीय औपचारिक भाषा (official language) मराठी (Marathi) है। 
  • महाराष्ट्र का गठन 01 मई 1960 (May 1960 ) को हुआ था। 

More important links related to Maharashtra


Uttar Pradesh (UP) (state tree, state flower) state symbols

Post 164 Uttar Pradesh (UP)  (state tree, state flower) state symbols

Question1 Choose from the following the name of state tree of Uttar Pradesh -
निम्न में से उत्तर प्रदेश का राज्य वृक्ष कौनसा है ?
A> Neem
B> Bamboo
C> Ashoka
D> Peepal
Answer: Ashoka Tree.
Explanation: Ashoka ( अशोका ) is the state tree of UP.

Question 2 Name the state flower of UP.
यूपी के राज्य पुष्प का नाम बताओ।
A> Palash
B> Marygold
C> Lotus
D> Rose
Answer: Palash (पलाश )
Explanation : Scientific name of Palash is Butea monosperma.


Knowing Kapil Dev

Post 163
Kapil Dev is a former Indian cricketer who captained Indian cricket team winning the 1983 Cricket World Cup. His full name is Kapil Dev Ramlal Nikhanj. He was born on 06 January 1959 in Chandigarh, Haryana, India. He is a right handed batsman and uses Right arm fast bowling style. Kapil Dev was named the Indian Cricketer of the Century in 2002 by Wisden Cricketers' Almanack. He has been all rounder.
Image: Kapil Dev at Equation Sports Auction

Dates Which are remembered:

Test debut date: 16 October 1978 vs Pakistan
Last Test date: 19 March 1994 vs New Zealand
ODI debut date: 1 October 1978 vs Pakistan
Last ODI date: 17 October 1994 vs West Indies

Kapil Dev has also been coach of Indian Criket team for 10 months during October 1999 and August 2000. In Haryana Criket Team he was also nicknamed as The Haryana Hurricane. He was given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel by Indian Territorial Army.
His awards include Arjuna Award, Padma Shri,Wisden Cricketer of the Year 1983, Padma Bhushan,Wisden Cricketer of the Century in 2002, ICC Criket Hall of Fame in 2010 and many more.

Total Runs of Kapil Dev in Tests: 5248
Total Runs of Kapil Dev in ODIs: 3783
Total Wickets taken in Tests: 434 out of 131 Matches
Total Wickets taken in ODIs: 253 out of 225 Matches


Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Squash Rackets Federation of India

Post 162 Squash Rackets Federation of India (SRFI)

Question 1: On 21 June 2015, Who of the following was elected as President of Squash Rackets Federation of India (SRFI)?
21 जून 2015 को निम्न में से कौन स्क्वाश रैकेट्स फेडरेशन ऑफ़ इंडिया का अध्य्क्ष चुना गया ?
A> Shyam Sundar
B> J M Fernando
C> Pankaj Advani
D> Debendranath Sarangi
Answer: Debendranath Sarangi

Question 2 Squash Rackets Federation of India (SRFI) is headquartered in
स्क्वाश रैकेट्स फेडरेशन ऑफ़ इंडिया का मुख्यालय (Mukhyalaya) निम्न में से किस जगह है ?
A> Jaipur
B> Bangalore
C> Chennai
D> Delhi
Answer: Chennai


Important Links

Facts About Maharashtra GK in Hindi and English

Post 161 Facts About Maharashtra GK in Hindi and English (State tree, state butterfly)

Question 1: Choose from the following the state tree of Maharashtra.

निम्न में से महाराष्ट्र का राज्य वृक्ष कौनसा है ?

A> Banyan
B> Peepal
C> Mango
D> Neem

Answer: Mango

Question 2: Name the state butterfly of Maharashtra.

महाराष्ट्र की स्टेट बटरफ्लाई का नाम बताओ।

A> Dotted Blue
B>Fiery Skipper
C> Sonoran Skipper
D> Blue Mormom

Answer: Blue Mormom (Papilio polymnestor)

Question 3 Name the first state to declare its state butterfly in India.

भारत का ऐसा पहला राज्य जिसने सबसे पहले स्टेट बटरफ्लाई की घोषणा की -

A> Delhi
B> Madhya Pradesh
C> Maharashtra
D> West Bengal

Answer: Maharashtra

Explanation : First state to declare its state butterfly in India is Maharashtra as Maharashra on June 23 declared for the first time in India Blue Mormom as its state butterfly. Blue Mormom is the second largest butterfly found in India.


More Important Links

GK Trick to learn Green House Gases / ग्रीन हाउस गैसों को याद रखने की ट्रिक

Post 160
GK Trick to learn Green House Gases / ग्रीन हाउस गैसों को याद रखने की ट्रिक

मित्रो आज तुम्हे बताया जा रहा है की कैसे याद रखा जाये की ग्रीन हाउस गैसों के क्या क्या नाम है। एक वाक्य याद रखो और आपको सारी गैसों के नाम याद रहेंगे।
ट्रिक वाक्य (Trick Sentence ): "मीना का जलवा ओर ग्रीन हाउस गैसेस "
विश्लेषण :
मी यानि मीथेन
ना यानी नाइट्रोस ऑक्साइड
का यानि कार्बन डाई ऑक्साइड
जलवा यानि जल वाष्प
यानि ओजोन
इस तरह आपको पांचो ग्रीन हाउस के तत्व याद हो जायेंगे।


Important Links

Maharashtra( state bird, state animal, state flower )

Post 159 Facts about Maharashtra GK

Question1 Name the state bird of the Maharashtra state of India.
महाराष्ट्र के राज्य पक्षी का नाम बताइये।
A> Red footed Green Pigeon
B> Yellow footed Green Pigeon
C> Owl
D> Parrot
Answer: Yellow footed Green Pigeon (पीले पैरों वाला हरा कबूतर )
Explanation : In Marathi it is called Hariyal.

Question 2: Choose from the following the state animal of Maharashtra?
निम्न में से महाराष्ट्र का राज्य पशु कौनसा है ?
A> Giant Squirrel
B> Cow
C> Buffallow
D> Goat
Answer: Giant Squirrel (जायंट गिलहरी )

Question 3 Which of the following is state flower of Maharashtra?
महाराष्ट्र का राज्य पुष्प
A> Lotus
B> Jasmine
C> Rose
D> Jarul Flower
Answer: Jarul Flower which is also known as Lagerstroemia. जरुल


More Important Links

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

राष्ट्रीय खेल शार्ट ट्रिक / National Games Short Trick

Post 158
राष्ट्रीय खेल शार्ट ट्रिक / National Games Short Trick
मित्रो आज में आपको एक ऐसा वाक्य याद कराऊंगा जिससे आप एक साथ 4 देशो के राष्ट्रिय खेल याद रख सकते हैं।
ट्रिक वाक्य (Trick Sentence): "अबे इक चींटे ने गिल्ली बल्ला खेला "
विश्लेषण : अ यानि अमेरिका
                  बे यानि बेसबॉल  यानि अमेरिका का राष्ट्रीय खेल बेसबॉल है।
                 इ  यानि इंग्लैंड
                क यानि क्रिकेट  यानि  इंग्लैंड का क्रिकेट
                ची यानी चीन
                टे   यानि  टेबल टेनिस यानि चीन का टेबल टेनिस
                ने  यानि नेपाल
              गिल्ली बल्ला यानि नेपाल का गिल्ली बल्ला

तो इस तरह आपको  चार देशो के राष्ट्रीय खेल एक अनोखे तरीके से याद हो गए।  


Nathu La Pass नाथू ला दर्रा

Post 157
Question 1 Nathu La mountain pass joins which two countries of the following?
नाथू ला दर्रा निम्न में से किन दो देशो को जोड़ता है ?
A> China and Myanmar
B> China and Nepal
C> China and India
D> India and Pakistan
Answer: China and India

Question 2 Nathu La Pass is between
नाथुला दर्रा निम्न में से किन जगहों को जोड़ता है ?
A> Sikkim and Tibet
B> Sikkim and Shannam
C> Demchok and Ngari
D> Leh and Ngari
Answer : Sikkim and Tibet


Scion of Ikshvaku, Kailash Mansarovar Yatra

Post 156
Question 1: Who has written the book "Scion of Ikshvaku"?
A> N Chandramauli
B> Amish Tripathi
C> R Raghvan
D> Nelson Mandela
Answer: Amish Tripathi

Question 2: Which of the following pass/passes one can use for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra?
A> Nathula Pass
B> Lipulekh Pass
1) A only 2) B Only 3) A & B Both 4) None of the above
Answer : 3) A & B Both
Explanation: China on 22 June 2015 opened Nathula Pass to go to Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. Previously we were using Lipulekh Pass for Kailash Mansarovar Yatra.


Saturday, 20 June 2015

Constitutional amendment Goa was made a full fledged state

Post 155
Question 1 By which constitutional amendment Goa was made a full fledged state?
A> 56th constitutional amendment act,1987
B> 57th constitutional amendment act,1987
C> 43rd constitutional amendment in 1977
D> None of the above
Answer : 56th constitutional amendment act,1987

Question 2 Which state launched digital depository of land records named ''mee bhoomi''?
A> Telangana
B> Andhra Pradesh
C> Tamil Nadu 
Answer: Andhra Pradesh


Namdroling Monastery,Hallon river, Banjar river, Barna river

Post 154 
Question 1: Namdroling Monastery is located in which state?
A> Uttar Pradesh
B> Delhi
C> Bihar
D> Karnataka
Answer: Karnataka

Question 2 Hallon river, Banjar river, Barna river are tributaries of which river?
A> Tapti 
B> Yamuna
C> Narmada 
D> None of These
Answer: Narmada


Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Short Tricks to learn GK in Hindi and English

Following are the short tricks to learn these GK issues easily. सामान्य ज्ञान में शार्ट ट्रिक्स जानिए कठिन कठिन टॉपिक को भी बहुत आसानी से याद कर सकते हैं

1 . Easy Trick Jute Producing states of India / जुट उत्पादन करने वाले राज्य
2.  All Mughal Kings of India Trick / सभी मुग़ल बादशाह के नाम ट्रिक
3. Easy GK Trick for Learning Indian States Names / भारत के प्रदेशों के नाम
7. GK Trick Prime Ministers of India / देश के प्रधानमंत्री
8. National Games Short Trick/ राष्ट्रीय खेल शार्ट ट्रिक 
9. GK Trick to learn Green House Gases / ग्रीन हाउस गैसों को याद रखने की ट्रिक
10 . मध्‍य प्रदेश से सटे हुए राज्‍य Neighbor states of Madhya Pradesh GK Trick
11. पाकिस्तान से सटे भारत के राज्य Indian States touching Pakistan GK Trickअगर आपको कोई ट्रिक पता है तो हमें gksea.com@gmail.com पर मेल करो अपने नाम और पते के साथ हम उसे प्रकाशित करेंगे आपके नाम के साथ। 

More Important Links


GK Trick Prime Ministers of India / देश के प्रधानमंत्री

Post 153 GK Trick Prime Ministers of India list / देश के प्रधानमंत्री लिस्ट

This is a very important GK trick to remember all 17 prime ministers of India from Jawahar Lal Nehru to Narendra Modi. Jawahar Lal Nehru is the PM who has ruled India for maximum time as PM.

This GK Trick is in the form of interesting story
Achanak (NEHRU) ke (GUZAR) jane ka sadma (LAL BAHDUR)  sah na sake aur wo bhi (GUZAR) gaye. Is dukh ki ghadi me (INDIRA) ne pure (DESH) ko sambhala. Government chalane me  (CH.CHARN SING) ne (INDIRA) ki puri help ki. Ek din achanak unki hatya kar di gai jiske baad unke son (RAJIV) ne gaddi sambhali. Wo kai baar apni maa ki antim sanskar ki
video (VCP) par dekhkar dukhi ho jate the, kyoki wo (AHINsa) ke pujari the aur har tarha ki hinsa ke khilaf the. Wo (AAM) janta ke beech behad lokpriya neta the.

Story Explanation:
GUZAR - Gulzarilal Nanda
DESH - Morarji Desai
      V-Vishwanath Pratap Sing
      C -  Chandra Shekhar
       P -  P.V.Narasimha Rao
           A - Atal Behari Vajpayee
          H - H.D.Deve Gowda
          IN - Inder Kumar Gujral
         M - Dr. Manmohan Singh
         M - Modi Ji (Narendra Modi)

More Important Tricks


Easy Trick Jute Producing states of India / जुट उत्पादन करने वाले राज्य

Post 152 Jute Producing states of India / जुट उत्पादन करने वाले राज्य

Lets learn about the names of states of India producing jute using a short trick. The trick is very easy and useful.

Trick: "MOJ me MA BAP"
Translation : 
M –Meghalaya मेघालय
O – Odisha ओड़ीसा
J – Jute जुट
M – Maharashtra महाराष्ट्र
A – Asam असाम
B – Bihar बिहार
A – Andhra Pradesh आंध्र प्रदेश

P-  Paschim Bengal(west Bengal)पशि्चम बंगाल

Important Links:




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