
New for SSC CGL students

Sunday 31 May 2015

Who operates the monetary policy in India?

Question 81 Who operates the monetary policy in India ?
A. Ministry of finance
B. Reserve bank of lndia
C.Security and exchange board of India
D. None of these
Answer: Reserve bank of India(RBI)

Question 82 The point where the energy is released during an earthquake is called-
A. epicentre
B. hypocentre
C. circumcenter
Answer : epicentre

Question 83 The pH of Human Blood is ___?
A. 7.4
B. 7.2
C. 7.8
D. 6.6
Answer 7.4
Explanation : Blood pH is within the narrow range of 7.35 to 7.45.

 Question 84 बैँको का बैँक " किसे कहते है ?(Bank of Banks)
A स्टेट बैँक ऑफ इंडिया (State Bank of India)
B भारतीय रिजर्व बैँक (Reserve Bank of India)
C युनाइटेड बैँक ऑफ इंडिय (United Bank of India)
D पंजाब नेशनल बैँक (Punjab National Bank)

Answer: Reserve Bank of India

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Widal Test is done to confirm

Great Wall of China Questions

The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling-edit.jpg
Great wall of China
Question 75: The Great Wall of China was built by 
A> Qin Shi Huang 
B> Xi jinping
C> King Zhuangxiang
D> King Xiaowen
Answer: Qin Shi Huang

Question 76: The Great Wall of China was rebuilt, maintained and enhanced by which dynasty?
A> Kin Dynasty
B> Chalukya Dynasty
C> Mongolia Dynasty 
D> Ming Dynasty
Answer: Ming Dynasty

Question 77: Fortification type of construction is used for 
A> public household constructions
B> farm fencing
C> military constructions or buildings designed for the defense of territories
D> residential constructions
Answer: military constructions or buildings designed for the defense of territories

Question 78: What is the total length of The Great Wall of China?
A> 21,196 km
B> 21,189 km
C> 20,196 km
D> 21,106 km
Answer : 21,196 km

Question 79: The Great Wall is located in which country?
A> China
B> Nepal
C> India
D> Japan
Answer: China
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Exercise is to gym as eating is to

Analogy Question: Exercise is to gym as eating is to
A> food
B> dieting
C> restaurant
D> fitness
Answer: restaurant is correct.
Explanation: exercises we do in gym in similar we eat our food in restaurant.


Play is to actor as concert is to

Analogy Question: Play is to actor as concert is to
A> symphony
B> piano
C> percussion
D> musician
Answer: musician
Explanation: Actor works in a play similarly musician works in a concert.


Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to

Analogy Question: Elated is to despondent as enlightened is to
A. aware
B. miserable
C. tolerant
D. ignorant
Answer: Ignorant is correct answer since it is a opposite type analogy.


Saturday 30 May 2015

when a ripe fruit is kept with unripen fruits ,the latter ripen due to release of?

Question 69: when a ripe fruit is kept with unripe fruits ,the latter ripen due to release of?
A. ethylene by the ripen fruits.
B. ethylene by the unripe fruits.
C. cytokinin by the ripe fruits.
Answer: .ethylene by the ripen fruits.
Explanation: The already ripen fruits release Ethylene and this Ethylene signals the formation of new enzymes in unripe fruits.
For example : The green bananas are put in a room and gassed with ethylene. They all begin to ripen.  

Question 70: which article says that Hindi as an official language in indian constitution?
A. article 340
B. article 343
C. article 345
Answer : article 343

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सामान्य ज्ञान (प्रश्न 65 - 68 )

प्रश्न 65. टिकाऊ आर्थिक विकास निर्भर करता है -
sustainable economic growth depends upon
A . savings and investment (बचत और निवेश )
B. savings not investment (सिर्फ बचत )
C. neither saving nor investment.(न बचत न निवेश )
उत्तर : savings and investment (बचत और निवेश )

Question 66: कौन सा स्ट्रेट ब्लैक सी को मरमरा सी से जोड़ता है ?
which strait connects the black sea to the marmara sea?
A. makkassar strait
B. bosporous strait
C. davis strait.
उत्तर : Bosporus Strait.

प्रश्न 67. भारत का दक्षिणतम बिंदु कौन सा है ?
1. इंदिरा कोल
2. इंदिरा पाॅइंट
3. कन्याकुमारी
4. रामेश्वरम्
उत्तर : इंदिरा पाॅइंट Indira Point 

Question 68 Ghana Bird Sanctuary is located in?
A . MP
B . HP.
C . Rajasthan.
D . Gujrat.
Answer: Rajasthan


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