General Knowledge in Hindi (सामान्य ज्ञान (प्रश्न 61 - 64 ))
प्रश्न 61. छायावाद नामक ग्रंथ इनमें से किसने लिखा ?Who of the following wrote Chhayavad named novel?
A) नंददुलारे वाजपेयी
B) नगेन्द्र
C) नामवर सिंह
D) सुमित्रानंदन पंत
प्रश्न 62. सूर्य के प्रकाश का कौन–सा भाग सौर कुकर को गर्म करता है?
Which part of solar light heats up the solar cooker?
A) पराबैंगनी
B) लाल प्रकाश
C) अवरक्त
A) पराबैंगनी
B) लाल प्रकाश
C) अवरक्त
D) अन्तरिक्ष किरणें
प्रश्न 63. "सरदार सरोवर बाँध" किस नदी पर बनाया गया है ?
Sardar Sarovar Dam is on which river?
a) नर्मदाb) चम्बल
c) सतलुज
d) महानदी
प्रश्न 64. यूनेस्को का मुख्यालय कहाँ है ?
Where is UNESCO Headquarters?
a) दिल्ली
b) लंदन
c) जेनवा
d) पेरिस
a) दिल्ली
b) लंदन
c) जेनवा
d) पेरिस
Important links
- Where is Gir Forest National Park located?
- Name the shortest river of the world.
- Name the biggest river of the world by amount of water.
- Which of these is the title of fantasy novel by Devika Nandan Khatri?
- Name the Longest River Bridge in India.
- Name the Longest Tunnel(in operation) in India.
- The term 'cell' was coined by
- Name the largest lake in India.
- Name the largest zoo in India.
- Name the largest delta in India.
- Name the largest mosque in India.
- Name the largest temple in world.
- Name the largest Gurudwara in India.
- Name the largest railway station in India.
- Name the largest cave temple in India.
- Name the railway station in India having longest platform.
- Name the longest river in India.
- Name the longest road in India.
- Name the longest dam in India.
- Name the longest national highway in India.
- Name the longest sea beach in India.
- Name the longest river without delta in India.
- Name the longest river in Southern India.
- Name the longest corridor in India.
- General Knowledge (GK) in Hindi - सामान्य ज्ञान