
New for SSC CGL students

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Voting is


Question 79 Voting is:

A) The process by which voter exercise their right to vote
B) The process of selecting representatives
C) Universal adult franchise
D) The unit of area who constitute a unit for electing representative

Answer:  The process by which voter exercise their right to vote


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Ultra purification of metal is done by


Question 78 Ultra purification of metal is done by:

A) zone melting
B) slugging
C) leaching
D) smelting

Answer: smelting


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Which of the following particles has the dual nature of particle-wave?

Question 76 Best way to conserve our water resources:

A) Sustainable water utilization
B) Rain Water harvesting
C) All of the options mentioned here
D) Encouragement of natural regeneration of vegetation

Answer: All of the options mentioned here


Question 77 Which of the following particles has the dual nature of particle-wave?

A) Neutron
B) Electron
C) Meson
D) Proton

Answer: Electron


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Microbial degradation of nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen is known as

Question 74 Microbial degradation of nitrates into atmospheric nitrogen is known as:

A) Nitrification
B) Denitrification
C) Putrefacation
D) Ammonification

Answer: Denitrification


Question 75 who was the Indian women president of the United Nations General Assembly?

A) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
B) Sarojini Naidu
C) Golda Mayer
D) Margret Thatcher

Answer: Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit


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Constitutional Monarchy means


Question 73 Constitutional Monarchy means

A) The King writes the constitution
B) The King exercise power as granted by constitution
C) the king is elected by the people
D) The King interprets the constitution

Answer: The King exercise power as granted by constitution


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Who of the following has given the term rhizosphere

Question 71 Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of:

A) Arya Samaj
B) Brahmo Samaj
C) Prathna Samaj
D) Ram Krishna Mission

Answer: Brahmo Samaj


Question 72 Who of the following has given the term rhizosphere:

A) Alexopolus
B) Garret
C) None of the given opetions
D) Hiltner

Answer: Hiltner


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Day and Night are equal at the

Question 69 Day and Night are equal at the:

A) Equator
B) Antarctic
C) Prime Meridian
D) Poles

Answer: Equator


Question 70 Which of the following is called the Light house of the Mediterranean?

A) Stromboli of Sicily
B) Paracutin of Mexico
C) Vesuvius of Italy
D) Mount pelee of West Indies

Answer: Stromboli of Sicily


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Which of the following plant shows chloroplast dimorphism?

Question 67 Which of the following plant shows chloroplast dimorphism?

A) Sugar beet
B) Sugarcane
C) Wheat
D) Rice

Answer: Rice


Question 68 Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in:

B) 1935
C) 1947
D) 1949

Answer: 1935


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