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Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The Special Provisions in Article 371G of the Constitution of India relate to the state of :

Post 351

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 110 The Special Provisions in Article 371G of the Constitution of India relate to the state of :

A) Jammu and Kashmir
B) Jharkhand
C) Mizoram
D) Nagaland

Answer: Mizoram


The locus standi rule to move the court was liberalized by the case of

Post 350

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 111 Who among the following resigned from his post in the year 2014?

A) Chief of Air Staff
B) Chief of Naval Staff
C) Director General Coast Guard
D) Chief of Integrated Defence Staff

Answer: B) Chief of Naval Staff


Question 112 Which of the following was / were NOT part/ parts of the RIN Mutiny?

1. Indian National Army
2. HMIS Talwar
3. Hunger strike by naval ratings
4. Lord Irwin
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A) 1 and 2
B) 2 and 3
C) 1 and 4
D) 4 only

Answer: D) 4 only

Question 113 The locus standi rule to move the court was liberalized by the case of:

A) SR Bommai v. Union of India
B) Minerva Mills v. Union of India
C) SP Gupta V. union of India
D) Keshavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala

Answer: Minerva Mills v. Union of India

Who heads the Defence Acquisition Council?

Post 349

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 114 Who heads the Defence Acquisition Council?

A) Defence Minister
B) Defence Secretary
C) Chief of the Integrated Defence Staff
D) Director General (Acquisition)

Answer: Defence Minister


Question 115 Balgangadhar Tilak was associated with:

1. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
2. The Age of Consent Bill
3. Gaurakshini Sabha
4. Atmiya Sabha
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A) 1 and 2 only
B) 1, 2 and 4
C) 3 and 4
D) 2 and 4 only

Provision under Article 350A of the Constitution of India

Post 348

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 116 The provision under Article 350A of the Constitution of India relates to the :

A) right of any section of the citizens to preserve its distinct language and culture
B) right of the Sikh community to carrying and wearing of kirpans
C) provision for providing facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage
D) freedom of Minority-managed educational institutions from discrimination in the matter of receiving aid from the State

Answer: C) provision for providing facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage

Explanation : Article 350A of Indian Constitution relates to the provision for providing facilities for instruction in mother-tongue at primary stage. President can issue direction any time to any authority for that.


The equivalent rank of Commodore of Indian Navy in Indian Army is

Post 347

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 117 The equivalent rank of Commodore of Indian Navy in Indian Army is:

A) Brigadier
B) Lieutenant Colonel
C) Colonel
D) Major General

Answer:  A) Brigadier


 Military Ranks Comparison

Indian Military Ranks Comparison


The proposals of the Cabinet Mission did NOT include :

Post 346

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 118 The proposals of the Cabinet Mission did NOT include : 

1. a three tier structure for the Union of India, with both the Provinces and the Princely States
2. formation of a Constituent Assembly
3. creation of a sovereign Pakistan with six Muslim-majority provinces

Select the correct answer: using the code given below:
A) 1 and 3
B) 3 only
C) 2 only
D) 1 and 2

Answer: C) 2 only


INS Vikramaditya is the name of

Post 345

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 119 Which of the following are provided in India by Right to Education Act?

1. Right of children to free and compulsory education till completion of elementary education in a neighbourhood school
2. Prohibition of deployment of teachers for non-educational works, other than decennial census, elections to local authority like State Legislatures, Parliament, and disaster relief
3. Right of minorities to establish and administer education institution
4. No citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the State or receiving aid out of State funds on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
A) 1, 2 and 4
B) 1 and 3
C) 2 and 4 only
D) 1 and 2 only

Answer: D) 1 and 2 only



Question 120 INS Vikramaditya is the name of

A) an aircraft carrier
B) a nuclear submarine
C) a memorial for the sailors
D) a naval hospital

Answer: an aircraft carrier

Freedom and Partition of India

Post 344

UPSC CAPF(AC) Exam 2015 Questions Solved

Question 121 Which of the following statements concerning the Freedom and Partition of India is NOT correct?

A) In February 1947, British Prime Minister Attlee announced that the British were not going to transfer power to Indians, come what may
B) Lord Wave ll advocated total  withdrawal of the British from India by 31 March 1948
C) It was Lord Mountbatten who speed-ed up the transfer of power
D) The Plan Balkan was abandoned on the account of Nehru's opposition to it

Answer: C) It was Lord Mountbatten who speeded up the transfer of power




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