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Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Animal cell wall is essentially made of

Post 245

CAPF EXAM 2014 Solution

Question 122 Animal cell wall is essentially made of:

A) Protein
B) Carbohydrate
C) Lipid bilayer
D) Cellulose
Answer: Cellulose 

CAPF 2014 Questions


Monday, 6 July 2015

First Tournament of ICC Women's Cricket World Cup was played in year

Post 244

ICC Women's Cricket World Cup

Question 1:  First Tournament of ICC Women's Cricket World Cup was played in year
ICC महिला क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप का पहला टूर्नामेंट किस वर्ष खेला गया ?
A) 1971
B) 1973
C) 1975
D) 1974
Answer: 1973

Question 2 : First Tournament of ICC Women's Cricket World Cup was played in which country?
ICC महिला क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप का पहला टूर्नामेंट किस देश में खेला गया ?
A) Australia
B) New Zealand
C) England
D) India
Answer: England

Question 3 Choose the player having most runs in Women's Cricket World Cup.
निम्न में से महिला क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप में सबसे ज्यादा रन बनाने वाली खिलाडी को चुनिए।
A) Debbie Hockley
B) Lyn Fullston
C) Kate Blackwell
D) Sandhya Agarwal
Answer: Debbie Hockley

Question 4 Debbie Hockley represented which of the following country in Cricket?
डेब्बी हॉकले ने क्रिकेट में किस देश का प्रतिनिधित्व किया ?
A) England
B) South Africa
C) New Zealand
D) Australia
Answer: New Zealand


Who’s the most followed celebrity on facebook?

Post 243
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question 1 Who’s the most followed celebrity on facebook?
निम्न में से किसके  फेसबुक पर सबसे ज्यादा फॉलोवर्स हैं ?
 A) Katy Perry
 B) Shakira
 C) Barack Obama
 D) Rihanna
Answer: Shakira
As of June 2015

Question 2 Who’s the most followed celebrity on Instagram?
निम्न में से किसके इंस्टाग्राम पर सबसे ज्यादा फॉलोवर्स हैं ?
 A) Katy Perry
 B) Shakira
 C) Beyonce
 D) Rihanna
Answer : Beyonce
As of June 2015


What percentage of the world’s population is on the internet?

Post 242 
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question 1 What percentage of the world’s population is on the internet?
विश्व की कितने प्रतिशत जनसंख्या इंटरनेट पर है ?
 A) 36%
 B) 37%
C)  38%
D) 39%
Answer: 38%


The top five Internet companies are what

Post 241
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question 1: The top five Internet companies are what?
A) Platforms 
B) Products 
C) Social networking sites 
D) Education websites 
Answer: Platforms

Question 2: What is this icon, often seen on websites, used for? 

 A) Sending content to your mobile device 
B) Bookmarking sites in your web browser 
C) Peer-to-peer file sharing 
D) Sharing web content via social networking, social news and bookmarking sites 
Answer: Sharing web content via social networking, social news and bookmarking sites 


The Internet Trends Report is one of the most sought after reports in the world. Who writes it?

Post 240
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question 1: The Internet Trends Report is one of the most sought after reports in the world. Who writes it? 
द इंटरनेट ट्रेंड्स रिपोर्ट निम्न में से कौन लिखता है ?
A) Mary Seeker 
B)  Mary Meeker 
C) Martha Stewart 
D) Oprah Winfrey
Answer:  Mary Meeker 

Question 2: What is the number of broadband connections in India as of 2015? 
A) 15.26 million  
B) 15.34 million 
C) 15.52 million 
D) 16 million 
Answer: 15.52 million 


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Facebook, Yammer and Pinterest are all examples of what type of service?

Post 239
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question 1 Facebook, Yammer and Pinterest are all examples of what type of service?
फेसबुक ,येमर ,पिंट्रेस्ट किस तरह की इंटरनेट सेवाओं के उदाहरण हैं ?
 A) E-learning
 B) Social networking
 C) Web portal
 D) Wiki
answer: Social networking

Question 2 What is the hashtag (#) used for when posting Tweets to Twitter?
ट्विटर वेबसाइट पर हैशटैग (#) का उपयोग किस लिए किया जाता है ?
 A) It is used to mark keywords. This helps when searching for Tweets on particular topics
 B) It is used to indicate the username of the account from which the Tweet is being made
 C) It is used for replies or mentions, to indicate the name of another user
D)  It is used to indicate anger or annoyance
Answer: It is used to mark keywords. This helps when searching for Tweets on particular topics 


In India, what percentage of e-commerce sales happen on the mobile?

Post 238
Digital Week 2015 Questions

Question1 In India, what percentage of e-commerce sales happen on the mobile?
 A) 40%
 B) 41%
 C) 42%
 D) 43%
Answer: 41% 

Question 2 Who’s the most followed celebrity on Twitter
 A) Katy Perry  
 B) Justin Bieber 
 C) Barack Obama 
 D) Taylor Swift 
Answer: Katy Perry


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