
New for SSC CGL students

Saturday, 6 February 2016

The Mahzarnama was promulgated by Emperor Akbar in__?

Question: The Mahzarnama was promulgated by Emperor Akbar in__?

A) 1560 A.D.
B) 1572 A.D.
C) 1576 A.D.
D) 1579 A.D.

Answer: 1579 A.D.


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Which among the following is a correct meaning of office of Qazi-ul-Quzat under the Mughals?

Question: Which among the following is a correct meaning of office of Qazi-ul-Quzat under the Mughals?

A] Head of the Finance department
B] Censor of Public morals
C] Supreme Authority in Justice
D] Incharge of charities

Answer: Supreme Authority in Justice


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The major region of copper mines during the Mughal period was___?

Question The major region of copper mines during the Mughal period was___?

A) Bengal
B) Rajasthan
C) Agra
D) Bihar

Answer: Rajasthan


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Who among the following was not included in the Asta Pradhan of Shivaji ?

Question  Who among the following was not included in the “Asta Pradhan” of Shivaji ?

A) Sumant
B) Majumdar
C) Vakiyanavis
D) Vakeel

Answer: Vakeel


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The most important reason for collection of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi by Marathas was __?

Question: The most important reason for collection of “Chauth” and “Sardeshmukhi” by Marathas was __?

A) To increase the source of income
B) To expand his territories
C) To consolidate his political influence
D) Because of the opposition of Muslim rulers

Answer: To increase the source of income


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Which among the following British men tried to obtain a Firman for trade in Gujarat from Emperor Akbar?

Question: Which among the following British men tried to obtain a Firman for trade in Gujarat from Emperor Akbar?

A) Ralph Fitch
B) John Mildenhall
C) Sir Thomas Roe
D) Thomas Stephens

Answer: John Mildenhall


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Mohammad Ghori was first defeated by which of the following rulers?

Question: Mohammad Ghori was first defeated by which of the following rulers?

A) Prithviraja Chauhan
B) Jayachandra
C) Vidyadhara Chandella
D) Bhima II

Answer: Prithviraja Chauhan


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