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Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Concave Mirror and definition of Pole

Question 99 A concave mirror is
A>  is curved inwards
B>   is curved outwards
C>  is curved to both sides
D> is a plain mirror
Answer: is curved inwards

Question 100 Which one is true:
A> The centre of the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror is a point called the pole.
B> The extreme left of mirror is called pole.
C> The extreme right point of spherical mirror is called the pole.
Answer : The centre of the reflecting surface of a spherical mirror is a point called the pole.


The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the

Question 98 The famous dialogue between Nachiketa and Yama is mentioned in the
a) Chhandogyopanishad
b) Mundakopanished
c) Kathopanished
d) Kenopanishad
Answer : Kathopanished usually referred as Katha Upnishad

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    The name by which Ashoka is generally referred to in his inscriptions is


    Who was the first Indian to win the World Amateur Billiards title?

    Question 96 Who was the first Indian to win the World Amateur Billiards title? 
    a) Geet Sethi 
    b) Wilson Jones 
    c) Michael Ferreira 
    d) Manoj Kothari 

    Answer: Wilson Jones 


    Who is the first Indian woman to win an Asian Games gold in 400m run?

    Question 95: Who is the first Indian woman to win an Asian Games gold in 400m run?
    A) M.L.Valsamma 
    B) P.T.Usha 
    C) Kamaljit Sandhu 
    D) K.Malleshwari 

    Answer: Kamaljit Sandhu  
    Explanation : Kamaljit Sandhu, a former woman Indian athlete won gold medal at 1970 Asian Games in 400 m race.
    Tag: एशियन गेम्स में गोल्ड जीतने वाली पहली भारतीय  महिला 

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  • GK in Hindi सामान्य ज्ञान एवम् करेंट अफेर्स

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    Tuesday, 2 June 2015

    The Dree Festival is celebrated in which state?

    Question 94 The Dree Festival is celebrated in which state?
    A. Asam
    B. Arunachal pradesh
    C. Tripura


    Tso kar salt lake is located in which state?

    Question 90 Tso kar salt lake is located in which state?
    A. Jammu and Kashmir
    B. Rajasthan,
    C. Haryana
    D. None of These
    Answer : Jammu and Kashmir

    Question 91 The IUCN Red list of threatened species was founded in which year?
    A. 1963
    B. 1964
    Answer : 1964

    Question 92 World economic outlook report is published by ?
    A. world bank
    B. UNO
    C. IMF
    Answer : IMF

    Questio 93 लिपि शब्द का सर्वप्रथम प्रयोग कहाँ मिलता है ?
    A. ऋग्वेद
    B. महाभाष्य 


    Monday, 1 June 2015

    जगत सचाई सार कितने छंदों की लंबी कविता है?

    प्रश्न 85 जगत सचाई सार कितने छंदों की लंबी कविता है?
    Jagat Sachai Saar contains how many verses?
    A. 31
    B. 51
    C. 101
    D. 151
    उत्तर : 51 

    Question 86 Who has written the poem Jagat Sachai Saar?
    जगत सचाई सार कविता के रचनाकार कौन हैं ?
    A. रामनरेश त्रिपाठी Ramnaresh Tripathi
    B. माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी Makhanlal Chaturvedi
    C. श्रीधर पाठक (Shridhar Pathak)
    D. रसखान Raskhan
    Answer : श्रीधर पाठक (Shridhar Pathak)

    प्रश्न 87 "जगत है सच्चा तनिक न कच्चा समझो बच्चा इसका भेद " ये पंक्ति किसमें से ली गयी है ?
    A. पथिक 
    B. अधूरा स्वप्न 
    C. जगत सचाई सार 
    D. मानसी 
    उत्तर:  जगत सचाई सार 

    प्रश्न 88  खंडित यात्राएँ नामक लेख किसने लिखा ?
    A. निर्मल वर्मा
    B. उदयशंकर भट्ट
    C. भुवनेश्वर
    D. कमलेश्वर 
    उत्तर : कमलेश्वर 

    प्रश्न 89 सुबह के घंटे नामक नाटक किसने लिखा है?
    A. निर्मल वर्मा
    B. उदयशंकर भट्ट
    C. भुवनेश्वर
    D. नरेश मेहता
    उत्तर : नरेश मेहता

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