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Tuesday, 17 November 2015

SSC CHSL EXAM held on 15-11-2015 Morning Shift Answer Key AB2015

SSC CHSL EXAM held on 15-11-2015 Morning Shift Answer Key AB2015


Guys we have not provided the combined answer key for the SSC CHSL paper held on 15 Nov because SSC is now taking test based on test booklet number. For every candidate test booklet number is different. Also questions in test booklets are same but question order is different so generating a question answer key will just leave you in a confusion.
So we have solved the morning session question paper AB-2015 question wise which you can see using the links given below.


Which bank is limited to the needs of agriculture and rural finance?

Question 199 Which bank is limited to the needs of agriculture and rural finance?


Answer: NABARD


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Which of the following is one of the characteristics of the civil services in India?

Question 196 Which of the following is one of the characteristics of the civil services in India?

A) Temporal Political Executive nexus
B) All of the given options
C) Partisan
D) Neutrality and Impartiality

Answer: Neutrality and Impartiality


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The deficiency of vitamin A causes?

Question 195 The deficiency of vitamin A causes?

A) Night blindness
B) Beri-beri
C) Pellagra
D) Rickets

Answer: Night blindness


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Which is the best planned city in India?

Question 194 Which is the best planned city in India?

A) Salem
B) Coimbatore
C) New Delhi
D) Chandigarh

Answer: Chandigarh



Who advocated Nazism in Germany?

Question 189 Who advocated Nazism in Germany?

A) Adolf Hitler
B) William III
C) Bismark
D) Fedrick William IV

Answer: Adolf Hitler


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Where do Bhagirathi and Alaknanda join Ganga?

Question 188 Where do Bhagirathi and Alaknanda join Ganga?

A) Rudra prayag

B) Dev prayag
C) Karan prayag
D) Gangotri

Answer: Dev prayag

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Air is said to be saturated when

Question 186 Air is said to be saturated when-

A) its thickness is maximum
B) it contains maximum content of water vapour
C) it blows over the barren land
D) its pressure is minimum

Answer: it contains maximum content of water vapour


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Ezra cup is associated with which sports?

Question 184 Ezra cup is associated with which sports?

A) Football
B) Rowing
C) Hockey
D) Polo

Answer:  Polo



The use of heat treatment of ore that includes smelting and roasting is termed

Question 183 The use of heat treatment of ore that includes smelting and roasting is termed:

A) Cryometallurgy
B) Pyrometallurgy
C) Electrometallurgy
D) Hydrometallurgy

Answer: Pyrometallurgy


Solved SSC CHSL Question Paper Held on 15 Nov.2015 Morning Shift AB2015 with Answers

Solved SSC CHSL Question Paper Held on 15 Nov.2015 Morning Shift AB2015 with Answers 

Question 1 In India, Dugong (Sea Cow) is found in the bioreverse site of?

A) Nok rek
B) Sundarban
C) Gulf of Mannar
D) Manas

Answer: Gulf of Mannar

Question 2 The National Emblem of Italy is:

A) White Eagle
B) White lily
C) Lily
D) Eagle

Answer: Eagle

Question 3 Who is the author of book “Magic Seeds”?

A) Cyrus Mistry
B) V.S. Naipaul
C) Vikram Seth
D) Jhumpa Lahiri

Answer: V.S. Naipaul


Question 4 The capital of Rawanda is:

A) Kigali
B) Copenhagen
C) Bogota
D) Libreville

Answer: Kigali

Question 5 Damping off of seedlings is caused by:

A) Pythium debaryanum 
B) Peronospola parasitica
C) Phytophthora infestans
D) Albugo candida

Answer: Phytophthora infestans

Question 6 “Madhu bani” a style of folk painting is popular in which of the following states of India?

A) West Bangal
B) Uttar Pradesh
C) Madhya Pradesh
D) Bihar

Answer: Bihar

Question 7 Excretion in Hemichordates takes place by:

A) Mesonephron 
B) Glomerulus
C) Pronephron
D) Metanephron

Answer: Glomerulus

Question 8 The abbreviation LHC stands for which machine?

A) Long Heavy Collider
B) Light Heat Collider
C) Large High Collider
D) Large Hadron Collider

Answer: Large Hadron Collider

Question 9 Life originated by chemosynthesis was proved in the laboratory by-

A) Sanger
B) Pasteur
C) Aristotle
D) Miller

Answer: Miller

Question 10 USB is _________ type of storage device.

A) Auxillary
B) Secondary
C) Tertiary
D) Primary

Answer: Secondary

Question 11 Which of the following is commonly used in the preparing custard powder?

A) Wheat
B) Raagi
C) Maize
D) Rice

Answer: Maize

Question 12 Indian Economy is a

A) Communist Economy
B) Mixed Economy
C) Capitalist Economy
D) Independent Economy

Answer: Mixed Economy


Question 13 Word Human Rights Day is observed on:

A) Sep. 5
B) Dec. 7
C) Dec. 10
D) April 8

Answer: Dec. 10

Question 14 To conserve coral reef the Govt. of India declared one of the following as Marine Park:

A) Gulf of Kutch
B) Gulf of Mannar
C) Lakshadweep Island
D) Andaman Island

Answer: Gulf of Kutch

Question 15 The phenomenon which causes mirage is:

A) Interference 
B) Diffraction
C) Polarisation
D) Total internal reflection

Answer: Total internal reflection

Question 16 Richter scale is used for measuring:

A) Density of liquid
B) Humidity of air
C) Velocity of wind
D) Intensity of earthquake

Answer: Intensity of earthquake

Question 17 All vital atmospheric processes leading to various climate & weather conditions take place in the:

A) Ionosphere
B) Exosphere
C) Troposphere
D) Stratosphere

Answer: Troposphere

Question 18 People with Down’s syndrome invariably affected by:

A) Huntington’s disease 
B) Alzheimer’s disease
C) Brain haemorrhage 
D) Meningitis

Answer: Alzheimer’s disease


Question 19 What is the name of Research Station established by Indian Govt. for conducting research at Antarctic?

A) None of the options
B) Yamunotri
C) Dakshin Gangotri
D) Uttari Gangotari

Answer: Dakshin Gangotri

Question 20 Normal blood pressure reading of an adult human:

A) 160/95 mmHg
B) 130/90 mmHg
C) 80/120 mmHg
D) 120/80 mmHg

Answer: 120/80 mmHg

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Friday, 6 November 2015

Which country earned the title "The Queen of Seas"?

Question 187. Which country earned the title "The Queen of Seas"?

A) Germany
B) France
C) Italy
D) Britain

Answer: France


The hard enamel layer of teeth is

Question 160 The hard enamel layer of teeth is

A) Calcium phosphate
B) Calcium oxide
C) Calcium hydroxy apatite
D) Calcium hydroxide

Answer: Calcium phosphate


Monday, 2 November 2015

SSC CHSL 2015 Questions asked on 01 Nov 2015

SSC CHSL 2015 Questions asked on 01 Nov 2015

Solved Question Papers


Barter Transactions means

Question 185 Barter Transactions means

A) goods are exchanged with goods
B) money acts as a medium of exchange
C) coins are exchanged for goods
D) goods are exchanged with gold

Answer: goods are exchanged with goods


More important links


Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?

Question 186 Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?

A) Strong military forces
B) Respect for individual rights
C) A one party system
D) An agricultural economy

Answer: Respect for individual rights



Who was the first Indian to become member of British Parliament?

Question 187 Who was the first Indian to become member of British Parliament?

A) Firozshah Mehta
B) Surendranath Banerjee
C) D Dadabhai Naoroji
D) DN Wacha

Answer: D Dadabhai Naoroji



The idea of Parliamentary form of government is adopted from

Question 188 The idea of Parliamentary form of government is adopted from

D) Ireland

Answer: UK



National Renewal Fund (NRF) was instituted for the purpose of

Question 189 National Renewal Fund (NRF) was instituted for the purpose of

A) rural reconstruction
B) restructuring and modernisation of Industries
C) providing pension for retiring employees
D) social security

Answer: restructuring and modernisation of Industries


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The Industrial Development Bank of India was set up in

Question 190 The Industrial Development Bank of India was set up in

A) July 1962
B) July 1964
C) July 1966
D) July 1968

Answer: July 1964



More than 50% of the world's coal deposits are held by

Question 191 More than 50% of the world's coal deposits are held by

A) China, India and USA
B) China, India and Russia
C) India, Russia and USA
D) USA, Russia and China

Answer: USA, Russia and China



Which one of the following is odd?

Question 192 Which one of the following is odd?


Answer: SNMP



Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

Question 193 Which of the following memories must be refreshed many times per second?

A) Static RAM
B) Dynamic RAM

Answer: Dynamic RAM



The gas that causes suffocation and death when coal or coke is burnt in close room is

Question 194 The gas that causes suffocation and death when coal or coke is burnt in close room is

A) carbon monoxide
B) carbon dioxide
C) methane
D) ethane

Answer: carbon monoxide


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Which of the following properties of sound is affected by change in air temperature?

Question 195 Which of the following properties of sound is affected by change in air temperature?

A) Amplitude
B) Frequency
C) Wavelength
D) Intensity

Answer: Frequency





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